Are you living the life you want?

We can help you.


As leading life coaches in the UK, we have coached hundreds of people, all coming from different backgrounds and situations. We have worked with men, women, children, teenagers, professional and entrepreneurs all having benefited from support with:

· Bereavement, grief and loss

· Ill health

· Self belief

· Work-life balance

· Motivation

· Addiction

· Relationship issues (divorce and separation)

· Emotional and behavioral issues in young people

· Parenting

· Stress management

About Us

We are two female leading life coaches, with over 20 years experience in supporting men, women and children to improve their lives and reach their full potential. We hold qualifications in Psychology, Social Work and Family Mediation, and are ICF accredited coaches in Business and Life Coaching.

We have developed, managed and coached multiple award winning teams. We use our experience to improve performance and strive for excellence.

We are 100% committed to helping you achieve your goals - both personal and professional - and are here to inspire and motivate you every step of the way. We provide a completely confidential service.

  • Lynsey is an experienced professional with 18 years experience in the Health and Social Care sector. She has been nominated for awards such as ‘Social Worker of the Year’ in 2009 and has managed and led the implementation of new therapeutic frameworks across Northern Ireland.

    Lynsey trained with the Irish Lifecoach Institute and received her diploma in Personal & Business Coaching in 2010. She has a BSc (Hons) Psychology degree, has been a qualified Social Worker since 2004 and is registered with the Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC). She is also an independent Family Group Conference Coordinator, coaching and empowering families to find solutions to their difficulties.

    Lynsey has expert experience in dealing with all types of difficulties, such as family and relationship issues, separation, addiction and eating disorders. She is passionate about helping individuals improve their self-esteem and motivation.

  • Eilish is a highly skilled professional with over 30 years experience in the Health and Social Care sector. She has established multiple award-winning services within this time and has over 15 years experience managing and coaching teams.

    Eilish trained with the Irish Lifecoach Institute and received her diploma in Personal & Business Coaching in 2010. She has been a qualified Social Worker since 2001 and is registered with the Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC). She is also an independent Family Group Conference Coordinator, coaching and empowering families to find solutions to their difficulties.

    Eilish has vast experience in working with various groups of individuals including children, adolescents, men, women and families who have suffered high levels of trauma. She also has expert experience in working with those who have issues with addiction, substance abuse, mental health problems, eating disorders, grief, domestic violence, criminal behaviour, poverty and housing issues.



“SOS Life Coaching gave me the space and confidence to make positive achievements in my career, something I feel I couldn’t have achieved. I think about how you empowered me to follow my dreams , even when I hadn’t any real confidence in myself.”

— Anonymous

“It isn’t often you come across someone who really changes the direction of your life, you have been that person.”

— Anonymous

“I had really difficult decisions to make after a long term relationship broke down and I had to rebuild my life, my home and my career. You helped me see that the life I wanted was achievable and I was able to buy my own house, increase my self confidence and progress in my career. It is the best money I have ever spent on myself.”

— Anonymous

Contact us.

If you would like to find out more, please give us a call on:
